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Buying at is very simple. You just have to follow the following steps:
1. Choose the Collection -Autumn Winter, Spring Summer, Outlet- and the category (shoes, ankle boots, boots, sandals...)
2. View the article/s that interest you. By clicking on it, you can see the details of the product and the available sizes. You have a size filter to see only the models that are available in your size.
3. Choose your item/s and add it to the basket. Below you can choose to continue shopping or confirm your order.
4. To process your order, if you are not registered, you must provide your information to create an account. *By registering you can accumulate euros of discount for your next purchase with the Loyalty Program.
5. Enter the shipping address.
6. Indicates a payment method.
7. Confirm the order.
8. You will receive an email confirming your order.
You can make your purchase in Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, the USA, Norway, Australia, Singapore, Ireland, New Zealand, Israel, Romania, Slovakia, Andorra, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Hungary, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Panama, Puerto Rico, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria.
Shipping and returns costs are free worldwide. If there are customs and/or tariff costs in the destination country, these will be borne by Pons Quintana.
The delivery time in Spain is 24 to 72 business hours. Orders outside of Spain take between 3 and 7 business days.
The return period is 30 working days from receipt of the order at your address. Returns are free.
You will find all the details in the Changes and Returns section.
If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it in the My Account section. Provide your email address and we will send you an email with your new password. You can change your new password once you have accessed from the My Account > Personal Information section.
Yes. All your data is transmitted encrypted using the SSL certificate. For payment with credit and debit cards it is necessary to enter the CVV (Card Verification Value), the 3-digit code found on the back of the card and used as a security measure in electronic commerce transactions.
Once your order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive it, contact us at (+34) 971. 37. 10. 50 or send us an email to .
As soon as the order leaves our warehouses, you will receive an email with the tracking number of your order.
Contact us at (+34) 971.371.050. If an item different from the one purchased or defective is received, we will refund the items as soon as we receive them in our warehouses and validate that they are in good condition.